uaclip conference
International Conference
Ukrainian Association
of Cognitive Linguistics and Poetics
Language – Literature – the Arts:
A Cognitive and Semiotic Interface
Kyiv - Ukraine
Kyiv National Linguistic University
5/17 Laboratorna St. September 25-27, 2014
Round-table Discussion
“Languages, Literatures, Works of Art –
the Texts of Our Experience”
Specialists from the fields of linguistics, psycholinguistics, literary theory, philosophy and philosophy of language, cognitive and neuroscientific studies, non-verbal semiotics, art theory and artistic semiotics are all heartily welcome.
Dear colleagues! You are cordially invited to participate in the International Conference of the Ukrainian Association of Cognitive Linguistics and Poetics (UACLiP), to be held on September 25-27, 2014, at Kyiv National Linguistic University (Ukraine, Kyiv, 73 Chervonoarmiyska St.).
Authors are encouraged to submit papers to the following Panels:
Linguistic and aesthetic creativity:Similarities and divergences.
Metaphor in language, literature and the arts: Intersemiotic links.
Visual arts and linguistic cognition.
Art in the mirror of language, text, and discourse: Architecture, music, painting, ballet, and cinema.
Linguistic and semiotic creativity: Language and discourse personality.
Working languages: English, Ukrainian, Russian.
UACLIP Inspiring talks
Detailed information about keynote speakers, registration, conference fee payment, social programme and accommodation will be provided in the 2nd Call for papers, on the Association (uaclip.at.ua) and KNLU (http://www.knlu.kiev.ua/) web-sites.
Important Dates:
Submission of applications and abstracts – by March 25, 2014,
Notification of acceptance – April 1, 2014.
Registration deadline – May 1, 2014.
Abstracts layout:
one full А4 page (including references),
all margins – 2.0 cm, Microsoft Office Word 2003;
Font: Times New Roman, 14 pt;
Line spacing: single.
The title, centred, bold font, all CAPITALS, is followed below by the author’s/authors' full name/s in usual font.
Then, in the next line, centred, the author's/authors' affiliation in italics.
The main text starts two lines below.
Conference fee:
Regular – €40;
for undergraduate and master students – €15.
For UACLiP members and "Fulbright Circle" members – €20.
For doctoral students that are UACLiP members – €15.
For undergraduate and master students that are UACLiP members – free.
The conference fee includes:
conference materials (programme, certificate, etc.);
book of abstracts;
welcome reception;lunch and coffee breaks; social programme (partially).
Olga Vorobyova – (+38) 067-507-10-41
Elena Marina – (+38) 093-849-75-08